How to show hidden rows

To show hidden rows in Excel, you can follow different methods depending on how the rows were hidden (via right-click, filtering, or manually). Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of how to unhide rows, with examples for each scenario.

Continue reading “How to show hidden rows” »

Random date in Excel

Generate random date in Excel is easy. Let’s see how to do that. Continue reading “Random date in Excel” »

How to create a button for hiding rows or columns

Have you ever seen the plus / minus button that hides or displays rows or columns? How to create it? Let’s see. Continue reading “How to create a button for hiding rows or columns” »

How to resize the table to fit the page

Setting the width of the table to one page is a common problem. You can do it without changing font size or changing the width of each column. As well as the width, can be adjusted the height. Let’s see how. Continue reading “How to resize the table to fit the page” »

How to print names of columns or rows on every page

Table is sometimes longer than one page. It is very useful to print names of columns or rows on every page. This example shows how to do that. Continue reading “How to print names of columns or rows on every page” »

Excel always changes numbers to dates or currency – solution

Excel changes cell format to date or currency always when you write some value? This problem can have several reasons. Continue reading “Excel always changes numbers to dates or currency – solution” »

How to exclude hidden rows in pivot table

Normally, pivot table counts the hidden rows. We have to add a flag to each row to determine if it is hidden or not. How to do that shows this example. Continue reading “How to exclude hidden rows in pivot table” »

How to get first characters or numbers from the value

In Excel there is a simple function LEFT, which is used to get first characters of value or to remove unwanted characters from the right side. Continue reading “How to get first characters or numbers from the value” »

How to insert the current date or time

Example 1

The first way is to write date right into the cell or to use the shortcuts:

Ctrl+; enters the current date.

Ctrl+: enters the current time.

This method ensures that the cell will always has the date which you have written into it. Continue reading “How to insert the current date or time” »

Formula for the cells on the same address, but on the different sheets

Let us have several identical tables that are on different Excel worksheets, but always on the same address. How to make SUM or AVERAGE of these tables? Continue reading “Formula for the cells on the same address, but on the different sheets” »

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