Power Pivot: A Deep Dive

Power Pivot is an Excel add-in that supercharges data analysis by enabling you to work with massive datasets, create relationships between different data sources, and perform complex calculations using Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). It essentially brings the power of a relational database directly into Excel. Think of it as a sophisticated engine for data modeling and analysis.

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Running total for multiple items solved by Pivot Table and Line Chart

Creating running total is easy and simple if you use a Pivot Table. I show you an example with a few steps, video guide is included. Continue reading “Running total for multiple items solved by Pivot Table and Line Chart” »

How to exclude hidden rows in pivot table

Normally, pivot table counts the hidden rows. We have to add a flag to each row to determine if it is hidden or not. How to do that shows this example. Continue reading “How to exclude hidden rows in pivot table” »

How many times are the values in the table?

There is an easy way to find number of occurrences of items in the table. For example, the following table contains repeated Products. We want to know, how many times was each product ordered.

Table with duplicates

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Automatic change of data source in a pivot table

There is a problem with Pivot Table. When you add new row or column to source table, the pivot table won’t expand range. You must do it manually using menu “Change Data Source”. So this is the question, how can I do it automatically? Continue reading “Automatic change of data source in a pivot table” »

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