Microsoft Garden Planner

MS Excel can be used for planning our outdoor activities. Here is the template for Garden Planner:

File is separated to 4 useful parts Plant Inventory, Seed Starting Log, Task List and Garden Planning Grid.

Continue reading “Microsoft Garden Planner” »

Random date in Excel

Generate random date in Excel is easy. Let’s see how to do that. Continue reading “Random date in Excel” »

How to exclude hidden rows from SUM

SUM function always calculates with all cells in the range. Sometimes, it’s not desired behavior and we want to exclude hidden cells. Continue reading “How to exclude hidden rows from SUM” »

How to resize the table to fit the page

Setting the width of the table to one page is a common problem. You can do it without changing font size or changing the width of each column. As well as the width, can be adjusted the height. Let’s see how. Continue reading “How to resize the table to fit the page” »

How to print names of columns or rows on every page

Table is sometimes longer than one page. It is very useful to print names of columns or rows on every page. This example shows how to do that. Continue reading “How to print names of columns or rows on every page” »

Value of the last filled cell in a column or in a row

I’m using Array Formulas to find the last filled or the last non empty cell ,it’s the same :). Important: Each formula must be confirmed by Ctrl+Shift+Enter (not just Enter). Continue reading “Value of the last filled cell in a column or in a row” »

How to highlight first Monday of the month in Excel table

Let’s have a list of dates or some kind of calendar. We want to highlight first Mondays or Tuesdays or Wednesdays etc. in each month. The example shows how to use conditional formatting to solve this task. Continue reading “How to highlight first Monday of the month in Excel table” »

Causes and solutions of #REF! errors in Excel

This is one of the most problematic errors in Excel. There is no direct way how to fix it. I show you some of the frequent examples with #REF errors. The worst case is if you open the file and you see the # REF error in it. At first you may try to contact the file creator and ask him about the original formula. If you are the creator of the file, you have to decipher the composition of the original formula. I hope these examples will help you. Continue reading “Causes and solutions of #REF! errors in Excel” »

Missing date in the chart

The table in this example shows dates and values. There is a missing dates. It causes a big blank space in the chart. Continue reading “Missing date in the chart” »

How to insert the current date or time

Example 1

The first way is to write date right into the cell or to use the shortcuts:

Ctrl+; enters the current date.

Ctrl+: enters the current time.

This method ensures that the cell will always has the date which you have written into it. Continue reading “How to insert the current date or time” »

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