We asked AI for help

ChatGPT is a wonderful magical tool that can give you the illusion that you are actually talking to an expert on everything. Let’s see how it will respond to questions about MS Excel. Can the AI solve problems? Can it be creative and develop something new from the simple request?

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Functions IF, AND, OR in Excel

In this example, I show you how to use IF, AND, OR functions together in the Excel worksheet. There is not only the one solution in logical tasks. You can always modify the formula in different ways. Continue reading “Functions IF, AND, OR in Excel” »

Running total for multiple items solved by Pivot Table and Line Chart

Creating running total is easy and simple if you use a Pivot Table. I show you an example with a few steps, video guide is included. Continue reading “Running total for multiple items solved by Pivot Table and Line Chart” »

How to use DATEDIF in Excel

DATEDIF is very useful for counting the number of whole calendar years, months and days between two dates. It is a hidden worksheet function and you will not find it in the list of functions but you can use it. Continue reading “How to use DATEDIF in Excel” »

How to exclude hidden rows from SUM

SUM function always calculates with all cells in the range. Sometimes, it’s not desired behavior and we want to exclude hidden cells. Continue reading “How to exclude hidden rows from SUM” »

SUMIF and COUNTIF with date

Date can be used as a condition in the Excel functions SUMIF and COUNTIF. But there can be some problems. I show you examples. Continue reading “SUMIF and COUNTIF with date” »

How to highlight whole row using Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is very useful tool for highlighting cells in MS Excel. But there is the problem with coloring whole row or whole column of table. This example shows how to do that. Continue reading “How to highlight whole row using Conditional Formatting” »

Value of the last filled cell in a column or in a row

I’m using Array Formulas to find the last filled or the last non empty cell ,it’s the same :). Important: Each formula must be confirmed by Ctrl+Shift+Enter (not just Enter). Continue reading “Value of the last filled cell in a column or in a row” »

How to highlight first Monday of the month in Excel table

Let’s have a list of dates or some kind of calendar. We want to highlight first Mondays or Tuesdays or Wednesdays etc. in each month. The example shows how to use conditional formatting to solve this task. Continue reading “How to highlight first Monday of the month in Excel table” »

How to calculate the Grand Total using SUMPRODUCT

SUMPRODUCT is very useful Excel function. It helps us to find the grand total of the table without need auxiliary calculations. This function multiplies corresponding items in arrays and then it sums their results. In math it’s called scalar product or dot product. Continue reading “How to calculate the Grand Total using SUMPRODUCT” »

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