SUMIF and COUNTIF with date

Date can be used as a condition in the Excel functions SUMIF and COUNTIF. But there can be some problems. I show you examples. Continue reading “SUMIF and COUNTIF with date” »

Pareto Analysis in Excel (part 1)

Pareto principle is formulated as: 80% of the consequences (eg profit or number of rejects) comes from 20% of causes. It can be used in different sectors of human activity (eg, economy, quality of production). We will construct a graph that will show us the major causes. Continue reading “Pareto Analysis in Excel (part 1)” »

Number of rows that (not) contain a specific value

I prepared two ways to solve this problem. The first uses values in a new column and the second uses array formula. Both have their advantages.


Table in the picture below contains information about the success of students making 3 exams. Value “Yes” means he passed, value “No” means he did not pass. Student should have value “Yes” in each column to pass all exams.

Rows not contain value - example1

How many students pass all of exams? The question is, how to count rows having value “Yes” in column B or C or D. Continue reading “Number of rows that (not) contain a specific value” »

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