Free planning calendar 2013

I have created the very simple planning calendar for 2013. Its advantage is that it can adapt to all language versions of Excel. So you will see descriptions written in your own language.

Simple planning calendar 2013

Let’s see how calendar looks in different language Excel version.


einfache Planungskalender 2013


calendario 2013


le calendrier 2013


Календарь 2013

How it works

Custom date format is used to display the national names of months and days. It is very easy. Day format in English version is ddd d. The month name contains date the first day of the month and format is set to mmmm. Read more about custom date and time format

Free download

Version for Excel 2003


Version for Excel 2007 and higher


Add a comment »2 comments to this article

  1. Do you have a calendar for year 2020?


  2. Tank You


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